Saturday, August 15, 2015

Best Birthday Ever! February 26th, 2015

2015!  My Birthday this year on February 26th, I cruised around the sun for my 46th year!

I was lucky enough to fly to San Diego and rent a GS 650 BMW, and meet up with some of my West Coast friends to ride south towards  Mulege, Baja Mexico.  

I am writing about that adventure as well ...but wanted to write a short piece just on my Birthday it was Epic!

So we had planned a whale watching trip in San Ignacio the day before and we had to wake up pretty early to catch our group van to the whale watching location.  

While packing up the bikes to head over to the pick up was a bit chilly and very quiet morning in the motel parking lot...

then over comes Greg and Melanie and surprise wish me a Happy Birthday, big hugs...then Carla and Jonathon and Paul...big Adventure family hugs and birthday wishes...

Then we head over to Ignacio Springs resort for a delicious breakfast before the van came...when it showed up Paul had stayed behind to work and the restof us piled into the we drove through the town, past the old church then up a hill which turned into off road, mostly sand...

After about an hour drive we make it to the end where we sign in for our boat...when i signed in the lady asks my age...and i was like 45...i mean no 46 today is my birthday ....she said well happy birthday!

We get geared up, have out safety briefing and then head down to our boat to go see if we can see some whales.

We get in a fantastic simple and small boat, then head out about 20-30 min off shore...then start looking around...and BAM we see a mama whale and her baby almost straight away.
They told us that the whales likes singing, whistling and we are all going crazy trying to get them close enough to touch.  The guide told us they loved to be scratched, petted and their mouths rubbed, just absolutely no touching of eyes, fins, blowholes or tails.  

The 2 whales loved our boat, we were able to play with them it seemed like almost an hour.  They came back to us 3 times.  The mama whale had her eye on us the entire time, she was the size of a school bus and she would nudge the baby up to us so we could pet it, the baby just closed its eyes and let us love on it.  Occasionally we would get the blow hole spray right in the face....very stinky but still pretty cool.
And as a very special gift for my Birthday i was able to kiss the baby whale!
Seriously spectacular

After our time was up we went back in, all of us high on the interaction with such huge and majestic creatures.   The company had prepared a wonderful lunch for us...fresh and delicious.

And when we were finishing up...the woman came out with a surprise birthday cake that was still warm.  She had planned this from my sign in time.  Then the whole kitchen crew came out and sang me a traditional Mexican birthday song.  I felt like crying, i was overwhelmed with joy, love and the entire experience.  This was a shock and total surprise!

(i had no idea how to cut the cake, so it turned into the Great Birthday Cake massacre of 2015)

Well, it is no secret that i fell in love with Mexico, this is just one of the many is a spectacular country with beautiful people and epic adventures.  

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